Saturday, September 19, 2009


Five things I'm thankful for:
1 Opinionated people
2 Opinionated people who always think they're right and never are.
3 Diversity of opinions
4 The ability to reason
5 To make a valid opinion.

Today I went to a meeting for social justice. We were with some other groups outside of social justice. As we were wrapping up we did a group activity. The people in charge would ask questions and then you would either strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree, or be ambivalent or indifferent. They asked very deep questions. I love being put in situations like this because it gives me the ability to sound off and make my peace and say what needs to be said. One of the questions which I spoke most about was abortion. My opening remarks went somewhere along the lines of this, "I am absolutely pro life. I believe that there are many alternatives and the abortion is not okay. They deserve the chance to live that we have. They deserve to live. People argued that it's should be the woman's choice because of cases due to rape and incest. For those of you that say that, I say if you want to have an abortion done in that case you MUST press charges and lock the person up. You're all arguing that it's the woman's body and it's her choice. You neglect to mention that there is another human being living inside of you. Life starts at conception." People were arguing that a fetus was just a sack of cells and that when you cut your finger you are killing cells so should cutting your finger be made illegal and that there are other living organisms inside the human body so the argument of the body living inside you is rather invalid. I of course couldn't wait to reply. My argument was, "That "sack of cells" grows and becomes what you are. When you cut your finger, those cells did not have the capability of growing into a separate human being. You brought up the point about parasites and other living organisms inside me. They do not have the potential to become a human being. They cannot grow into what you see(as I wave my hands up and down showing off what I am)here. I am human. The baby is human. The baby has the potential to live and learn and to LOVE. Parasites and other organisms do not. The reply I received was, "so you think that human beings are above other organisms?" Wow, really? Of course we are. If we were not, we would not be controlling everything. If there was a superior organism then the human it would be in charge of the world. The end.

On a side note. I would like to thank Cami for telling me about how it is more expensive to use capital punishment then to just let live and let die. I brought that up and it was accepted quite well.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

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