Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fighting For Peace?

Things I'm thankful for
1 sleep
2 being tired
3 feeling sad
4 feeling happy
5 the word happy

this will be short and quick. It's a poem

Fighting For Peace?

Fighting for peace?
Has there ever been a more contradicting statement in human existence?
Death and despair…for peace?
Victimized…for peace?
Homes shot at,
Torn to pieces,
Blown apart,
For peace?
Bombs booming in the distance
For peace?
Left alone with nobody to comfort you,
Left alone because your loved ones were killed,
Fighting for peace?
Losing the ones we love,
Losing our potential memories
All because they died fighting for peace?
Fighting for peace is sleeping around for virginity.
Peace does not and will not ever be the result of fighting.
Fighting for peace?

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

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