Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Com'n People

Things I am thankful for:

2. People back home who care about me.
3. People who pray for me.
4. People who miss me.
5. People who think about me.
(I hope that doesn't sound too narcissistic.)

Health Care Reform will hopefully be the topic of my Blog tomorrow night. Tonight it will be short sweet and to the point.

I am sick and tired of hearing people who only care about one side of politics. I am a conservative Republican and have absolutely no problem admitting that. I am not at all ashamed of that. I always try to look at both sides of the arguments. There are some issues I agree more with Democrats then Republicans and the same is true the other way around. I look at both sides so that I can have the best opinion possible. I am sick of people who stick to their side and believe that that is the one and only way without looking at any other perspective. I am sick of sitting and watching POTUS address us and afterward during the Republican Response have kids say, "oh *@#$*@%&@(#* this guy he doesn't know what the #$(@%&(@#$*@(%&(#@&% he's talking about." Honestly GROW UP. This goes for ALL people who do not view both sides and give respect where respect should be given. I don't care how "stupid" you think they are. YOU GIVE THEM THE RESPECT THEY DESERVE. We are a DEMOCRACY. This means WE THE PEOPLE elected who represents us. You have a problem with your representation? Do something about it.


I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

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