Monday, September 28, 2009

New Special!

Five things I'm grateful for:
1. Institute Books
2. Church History
3. Getting into bed and comfortable then remembering I didn't write in my blog....
4. Peanut butter m&m's for 88 cents
5. CVS cards

Every week for institute--since I am taking if for BYU credit--I am required to write a response on the chapter of reading. I will use that as my blog every time I write one. Hope y'all enjoy. Peace!


As I was reading and pondering the first chapter it seemed to me that the main point of it was that God loves to bless us. The Lord will always fulfill his promises. What God says he will do, he does. Joseph Smith was unable to translate quickly alone. Frankly put, it took too much time to do it all alone and try to make an income. He tried and tried but it was hard, he asked the Lord what he needed to do. The Lord told him to wait and he would reveal the way. I love the fact that I know that answers are only as far as my knees. I know that when I have problems in my life I can ask the Lord for help and he will help me. It may not be in the way or timeframe that I want it to be, but our Heavenly Father knows what he is doing. He is all knowing. He knows what is best for us.
The Lord prepares the way for his work and for us. As I was reading a thought formed in my head. The coming forth of our church was somewhat like a chess game. Good v. Evil. The best part being that Heavenly Father is always ahead of the adversary. The Lord had people where they needed to be so that they could be the greatest assistance possible in the coming forth of the Church.
A point that needs to be brought forth is that I know God will help me whenever I ask and that answers are only a question away, however, I need to do my part. I cannot expect it to all be done for me. We need to search it out and learn as much as we can about whatever it may be and then after we have done that we go to the Lord and ask for an answer to our question. He will help us every single time. This comforts me so much. How many people do you know in your life that have infinite resources and knowledge and help you every single time you need help? This makes me realize how much I am loved. I am a Son of my Heavenly Father. A Heavenly Father who loves me and knows me on a personal level. I have a Heavenly father who loves me and cares for me as a son, as his son. The love my parents have for me is incredible, I feel undeserving at times because I do not know how to return the love they have for me. I do not know how to show them how much I love them. I want to be able to show them that I love them as much as they love me, but I feel that’s impossible because the love they have for me is so perfect. I see the perfect love from my parents and cannot begin to even imagine the love my Heavenly Father has for me and for each and every single one of his children—perfect love.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me. I know my Heavenly Father cares about me. I know I can receive answers to my prayers when I ask in faith and when I do my part.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

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