Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Green Mile

Things I am thankful for:
1. Not being in prison
2. Prisons to keep me safe
3. The Police keeping me safe
4. Justice
5. Innocent till proven guilty

I watched The Green Mile on television today. Yes, it was the edited version of The Green Mile. It was a very interesting show. It led me to think of how many scary people are locked up and off the streets and how the police and government in most aspects have our best interests in mind. I love the feeling that brings. I love knowing that I have rights. I love knowing that there is justice(although it may be hard to find in certain walks of life or in certain places) it is a great thing.

Funny part of the day, Anna and I were watching Stomp the Yard on my laptop. I was playing with a lighter and hand-sanitizer. I get a knock on the door and a voice says, "RA, can you open your door please?" I went over and opened the door. They asked if I was burning a candle or anything, I said no, but that I was burning hand-sanitizer. They said, "can we come in?: I said, "sure." They saw that nothing was amiss and then the gentleman looked at my desk and exclaimed, "What's that?!" as he pointed at my Martinelli Bottle. I chuckled and said, "don't worry. It's just a martinelli. No alcohol." He said, "good, I was worried I'd have to write you two up! Have a good one you two." I thought it was pretty funny. Anyways. It is almost three and I am very tired. Goodnight ya'll!

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

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