Tuesday, September 29, 2009


five things i'm thankful for
1. my blue beat up tennis shoes
2. pain in my calves
3. water from Gatorade bottle
4. smarties
5. cake tupperware

Today after institute I played a game of basketball. My team won. After that we only had three players. We then proceeded to play a game of 21. I came very close to winning but was unable to seal the deal. Nobody won, but if we went by whoever had the highest score at the end... I won. Go me. I am tired. I want to go to sleep. I enjoy playing the game of 21. It's really fun.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Monday, September 28, 2009


I'm pretty sure I enabled comments so that they're up and running. Animadvert away!!

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

New Special!

Five things I'm grateful for:
1. Institute Books
2. Church History
3. Getting into bed and comfortable then remembering I didn't write in my blog....
4. Peanut butter m&m's for 88 cents
5. CVS cards

Every week for institute--since I am taking if for BYU credit--I am required to write a response on the chapter of reading. I will use that as my blog every time I write one. Hope y'all enjoy. Peace!


As I was reading and pondering the first chapter it seemed to me that the main point of it was that God loves to bless us. The Lord will always fulfill his promises. What God says he will do, he does. Joseph Smith was unable to translate quickly alone. Frankly put, it took too much time to do it all alone and try to make an income. He tried and tried but it was hard, he asked the Lord what he needed to do. The Lord told him to wait and he would reveal the way. I love the fact that I know that answers are only as far as my knees. I know that when I have problems in my life I can ask the Lord for help and he will help me. It may not be in the way or timeframe that I want it to be, but our Heavenly Father knows what he is doing. He is all knowing. He knows what is best for us.
The Lord prepares the way for his work and for us. As I was reading a thought formed in my head. The coming forth of our church was somewhat like a chess game. Good v. Evil. The best part being that Heavenly Father is always ahead of the adversary. The Lord had people where they needed to be so that they could be the greatest assistance possible in the coming forth of the Church.
A point that needs to be brought forth is that I know God will help me whenever I ask and that answers are only a question away, however, I need to do my part. I cannot expect it to all be done for me. We need to search it out and learn as much as we can about whatever it may be and then after we have done that we go to the Lord and ask for an answer to our question. He will help us every single time. This comforts me so much. How many people do you know in your life that have infinite resources and knowledge and help you every single time you need help? This makes me realize how much I am loved. I am a Son of my Heavenly Father. A Heavenly Father who loves me and knows me on a personal level. I have a Heavenly father who loves me and cares for me as a son, as his son. The love my parents have for me is incredible, I feel undeserving at times because I do not know how to return the love they have for me. I do not know how to show them how much I love them. I want to be able to show them that I love them as much as they love me, but I feel that’s impossible because the love they have for me is so perfect. I see the perfect love from my parents and cannot begin to even imagine the love my Heavenly Father has for me and for each and every single one of his children—perfect love.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me. I know my Heavenly Father cares about me. I know I can receive answers to my prayers when I ask in faith and when I do my part.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


5 things I'm thankful for:

1. Yellow Cake with chocolate frosting in a Tupperware
2. Yellow Highlighters
3. Sharpie Pens
4. Planners
5. Orange Sunglasses

I love going to church. It makes my day. I feel so happy when I go to church, even those times you wake up and you really don't wanna go. Once you're there, if you try, you get so much out of it. I really do enjoy it. It gives me a good feeling. It puts a big ol' smile on my face! I love the fact that no matter where I go in the world I can always feel the same way as I do at my "home" ward. It feels so good. I love it.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Five things I'm Thankful for

1. Being an Eagle Scout
2. Being a Scout
3. BSA
4. Cub Scouts
5. Popcorn

This morning I woke up and had breakfast. After having breakfast and studying I decided that it would be fun to go sit somewhere and study. As I was walking out I saw a two very familiar shirts. One shirt was tan and one shirt was blue. The blue shirt was for cub scouts and the tan shirt was for scouts. I walked over and asked what they were doing, they said there were trying to raise money for the local scouting program. I told them I was an Eagle scout and that I would donate but that I'd have to come back. I then went to my room and grabbed my long-board. I long-boarded over to the mail room. I was thoroughly let down about the fact that there was no mail waiting for me...but oh well! Anyways, I left the mail room and went over to the Chase. I deposited my check and withdrew 10 dollars. A five and five ones. I went back and got some popcorn from the scouts. It was by far the best purchase I have made out here. I am grateful for scouts. I am grateful for the fact that I am an Eagle. It was a lot of work but well worth it. It has been very fun.

In further news, I plan on joining College Republicans. Just so y'all know.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm tired.

5 things I'm thankful

1. Redline
2. Pinkline
3. Flour Tortillas
3. Pilsen
4. Sleep
5. Being Tired

I went to Pilsen today. That was really fun. I'll tell more later. I'm quite tired.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Birthday...hangover!

Things I'm grateful for:

1. Waking up to texts
2. Waking up to Voicemails
3. Voicemail from Grandma:)
4. Grandma Birthday Cards:):):)
5. Birthday Lovin'

It's not my Birthday officially anymore. But thanks to Khyrie we have the beautiful term called.. Happy Birthday Hangover! You're not really's just why celebrate only one day? Thanks Khyrie;)

I am so happy for everyone and everything that was said to me today! I am so grateful for all of you and the love I feel. I felt amazing today. It let me know how many people really do care about me. It's a fantastic feeling!

I talked to a really cute girl today about t-shirts. That was extremely exciting! I love talking to cute girls. Oh I'm too much of a flirt.

Tonight my friends made me brownie cake and had me blow out the candles. It was cute! I love my friends. All my friends. The ones from back home. The ones from my new home. I love you all oh so much!

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Read My Epic Essay

Learn about this guy. He is remarkable.

One. One man. One life. Change. A group is not a vehicle for change. Change comes from one person doing. Greg Mortenson did. Greg Mortenson succeeded. He succeeded because the one was touched. Mortenson learned to care for the one through the hospitality he was freely given while in Korphe. He was a lost climber stumbling his way back down K2 when he saw a village and thought he had reached Askole. The people of Korphe, not Askole, opened their village to him by allowing him to come into their homes, recover from his ordeal, and partake of their sugar. They gave of their scarcity rather than of their abundance. This touched his life in profound ways that led to change. As Mortenson contemplated the service rendered to him, he grew as an individual, realizing at that moment of unrequited service to him that one can indeed make all the difference.
Loyola cares about the one. As Loyola’s mission and values so boldly states, “We are Chicago's Jesuit Catholic University—A diverse community seeking God in all things and working to expand knowledge in the service of humanity through learning, justice and faith.” The concern for service of humanity through learning, justice and faith, is of necessity focused upon the one since it is the one, not the group that is the vehicle for change. By having the book, “Three Cups of Tea” be the freshman focus, Loyola subtly emphasizes the one as the fulcrum of change.
Mortenson—unbeknownst to him—has truly accomplished Loyola’s mission and values by being the one. His capacity for service has expanded as he has served a portion of humanity in Korphe. By serving now as he was once served, his capacity for service has grown exponentially because of the difference he has made in the lives of those around him.
One of my dad’s favorite movies (that we HAVE to watch every Christmas as a family) is entitled, “It’s a Wonderful Life” by Frank Capra, which illustrates the importance of the one. The main character of the movie is a man named George Bailey. As events unravel in his life, you see George standing on the edge of a bridge wishing he had never been born. His wish is granted as he views the lives of his loved ones without him. Where there was once a man, is left a gaping hole in everyone’s lives. He sees the incalculable influence his one life has had in and on the lives of those around him. Again, the one person made all the difference.
In a world where women are considered chattel, Greg Mortenson has been their George Bailey. Without Mr. Mortenson questions beg to be asked: who would be fighting for the education of Middle Eastern women? What, if any, would their educational opportunities be? Would there be schools or further empty promises from an uncaring government? Who would teach them? What would be taught? The question is answered how it has been for time immemorial, without Mr. Mortenson, no one.
The greatest example of seeking or being the one is Jesus Christ. He declared that He came to find the one, not the many. He was also a vehicle for change. While not accepted during His lifetime, His influence is still felt today. In fact our measurement of time is based upon His birth.
We must all do as Greg Mortenson successfully did, following Gandhi’s eloquent teaching, which states, “You must become the change you want to see in the world.”
I am One Man. It is my Life. I am change.

P.s. I was in my institute class the other day. Remember this, "never leave your sacred grove"

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Busy Brain.

I am Thankful for:

1. Dad's intellect
2. Sweat
3. Ankles
4. Church History
5. Monotheism.

There is a lot going on in my brain today. Life leaves me confused. Life leaves me happy. First off, shout out to Dad. He took the challenge of my question and answered! Thanks Dad!

The main thing I got out of the reading was that we worship Heavenly Father. We revere Jesus Christ is our intermediary with Heavenly Father. He is our lifeline. The Holy Ghost is there to confirm our faith.


I am seventeen for the last day. I want to stay seventeen forever but at the same time I want to see my life unfold and play out. I am content with how my life is right now. I feel my life is fantastic right now.

I want to stay seventeen forever and grow old. I love being seventeen. I want to stay seventeen forever and grow old! Stay stay stay seventeen forever. I want the future to come as I stay seventeen forever. I want to grow old as I stay seventeen forever.

I am happy where I am at. At least for the time being. I am anxious about my future. I welcome the future with open arms but at the same time I want to close them up and say, "Psych! World, you can wait." I understand the way I feel is completely normal and rational. I understand that. I am okay with that. I am okay with the way I feel. I want to feel the way I do. I love the feelings I feel.

I want to stay seventeen forever and grow old. I love being seventeen. I want to stay seventeen forever and grow old! Stay stay stay seventeen forever. I want the future to come as I stay seventeen forever. I want to grow old as I stay seventeen forever.

The time has come for me to grow up. I always knew the time was fading. I always knew it could never be. Life is knocking at the front door. The clock is chiming "grow up!"

I want to stay seventeen forever and grow old. I love being seventeen. I want to stay seventeen forever and grow old! Stay stay stay seventeen forever. I want the future to come as I stay seventeen forever. I want to grow old as I stay seventeen forever.

I'm going to stay...seventeeeeeen foreeeeeeevvvverrrrr!


Today I had an epiphany while listening to California by Phantom Planet. The song says, "California here we come, right back where we started from" It hit me. Something that has to do with California is going to play a role in my life. I feel it is soon. I do not know who, what, when, where, or why, all I know is that it is imminent. I am excited. I felt this way when I knew Chicago had a hold of me. It's an exciting feeling. I love epiphany's.

Yes, my brain has been extremely busy! I am quite happy for the fact that my brain works(although to what extent...none of us are certain). I am tired and must say peace!

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Great Question

5 Things I'm thankful for
1 questions
2 answers
3 extremely difficult questions
4 long thought out mulled over answers
5 my thought process.

I was asked an epic question that I did not know the answer to. You know how I am. If I do not know the answer... I get the answer. The question was, "You believe the trinity to be three separate distinct beings. How does that fall under the category of monotheism."

First off, wow. Great question! Hence the reason he is a Professor of Theology...;)

Feel free to help me in my search for an answer, I have been reading talks for the past hour about this and searching my scriptures. I need sleep. I was planning on going to sleep at midnight but got so caught up in this epic quest that the time flew by. I love the gospel:)

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Things I'm Thankful for:
1 The Gregorian chant Kyrie Christe Eleison
2 Mister mister's song
3 The State of New York
4 September 21, 2009

1 year and 3 days prior to my birthday one of my best friends was born. Khyrie Tess Porter. Today is her birthday. This is a shout out for you sister. I am so happy you are my sister. You make me smile when others cannot. You make me realize that life needs to be taken less seriously and that I need to relax. You can get me out of the crappiest of moods. I thank you for who and what you are. Khyrie, I love you. You're an amazing sister. Thank you for everything you have done for me.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Five things I'm thankful for:
1 Opinionated people
2 Opinionated people who always think they're right and never are.
3 Diversity of opinions
4 The ability to reason
5 To make a valid opinion.

Today I went to a meeting for social justice. We were with some other groups outside of social justice. As we were wrapping up we did a group activity. The people in charge would ask questions and then you would either strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree, or be ambivalent or indifferent. They asked very deep questions. I love being put in situations like this because it gives me the ability to sound off and make my peace and say what needs to be said. One of the questions which I spoke most about was abortion. My opening remarks went somewhere along the lines of this, "I am absolutely pro life. I believe that there are many alternatives and the abortion is not okay. They deserve the chance to live that we have. They deserve to live. People argued that it's should be the woman's choice because of cases due to rape and incest. For those of you that say that, I say if you want to have an abortion done in that case you MUST press charges and lock the person up. You're all arguing that it's the woman's body and it's her choice. You neglect to mention that there is another human being living inside of you. Life starts at conception." People were arguing that a fetus was just a sack of cells and that when you cut your finger you are killing cells so should cutting your finger be made illegal and that there are other living organisms inside the human body so the argument of the body living inside you is rather invalid. I of course couldn't wait to reply. My argument was, "That "sack of cells" grows and becomes what you are. When you cut your finger, those cells did not have the capability of growing into a separate human being. You brought up the point about parasites and other living organisms inside me. They do not have the potential to become a human being. They cannot grow into what you see(as I wave my hands up and down showing off what I am)here. I am human. The baby is human. The baby has the potential to live and learn and to LOVE. Parasites and other organisms do not. The reply I received was, "so you think that human beings are above other organisms?" Wow, really? Of course we are. If we were not, we would not be controlling everything. If there was a superior organism then the human it would be in charge of the world. The end.

On a side note. I would like to thank Cami for telling me about how it is more expensive to use capital punishment then to just let live and let die. I brought that up and it was accepted quite well.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Fourth Meal!

Mocktail....Shmocktail. The Mocktail party tonight absolutely sucked. It was really really boring. There was nothing to do. No music to dance to. It was ridiculous. I came back to my guitar. I played for a good few hours. It felt amazing. My fingers are very sore. I am learning an epic song. It will make y'all proud.
After sitting in the lounge for awhile some of us decided to go to taco bell...for fourth meal of course. We took the red-line down to Addison which is where Wrigley Field is so all the drunks were there and that's where all the bars are. We went to Taco Bell there. It was hilarious. The drunks were hilarious. P.S. Taco Bells out here have security guards. Well, he was a parole office, so either he's a security guard working two jobs...or he just expects to see all his people at this Taco Bell. I love food. It is so fantastic.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Beauty of Sound

1 Pachelbel's Canon
2 Music
3 Sound
4 Music Without Lyrics
5 Free Sheet Music

Some songs are ruined by lyrics. It's a simple fact. Some songs are beautiful as is and having lyrics would ruin them. I love classical music. It's so beautifully created and crafted it is simply remarkable and puts a smile on my face as I hope it does on yours. I recommend Canon in D Major. Lovely.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fighting For Peace?

Things I'm thankful for
1 sleep
2 being tired
3 feeling sad
4 feeling happy
5 the word happy

this will be short and quick. It's a poem

Fighting For Peace?

Fighting for peace?
Has there ever been a more contradicting statement in human existence?
Death and despair…for peace?
Victimized…for peace?
Homes shot at,
Torn to pieces,
Blown apart,
For peace?
Bombs booming in the distance
For peace?
Left alone with nobody to comfort you,
Left alone because your loved ones were killed,
Fighting for peace?
Losing the ones we love,
Losing our potential memories
All because they died fighting for peace?
Fighting for peace is sleeping around for virginity.
Peace does not and will not ever be the result of fighting.
Fighting for peace?

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.


1 stories
2 fires
3 burning down the past
4 new beginnings
5 metaphors

I am so sorry this is so short, but those are 5 things which I am thankful for. I will make up for my lack of writing tomorrow. P.S. I have the best family and friends in the world. I saw a the cutest video every of my niece today. She's walking! what on earth?! She could not even crawl the last time I saw her and now she's walking around like it's nobodies business. That makes me happy!

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Oh so tired.

5 things I'm thankful for.
1. Wrist Wraps
2. Hand Wraps
3. The Gym
4. Empty Fields with Chairs
5. Sorority Girls Finally Leaving the Piano Room

I purposely exhausted myself today so that I would be able to get in bed around this time and go to sleep for a solid few hours. I went to the gym for about an hour, I ran a mile in 7:30. Working towards my 6 minuter. It'll happen! After that I went up and got to work on the punching bag. I love it, I got some wrist/hand wraps so I'm not killing myself anymore. It's so great. Later this evening I went and worked out my lower body. I couldn't do much and am finally feeling extremely sore. After I got my guitar and went around to play. That was fun. I found an empty field with a chair in the center. Destiny? I think so. It was meant to be. I played in there for a while. I walked around my dorm playing more guitar then went downstairs and found the piano room. I'm not that great on the piano but I am in the process of writing a song, it doesn't sound that awful! Anyways, sleep is setting in. GOOD!

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Very Special Day

Five things I'm thankful for
1. Laura Porter
2. Mami
3. Mom
4. Madresita
5. The most amazing woman on the face of this earth, MOM.

Today I went to sleep at 4-5am(ish) and woke up around 9:30am for church. I--without any thought or anything--got ready. It felt somewhat like an out of body experience. I then went to church and did not get home until 3:30(ish) I undressed and sat down. Sorry sisters, I must sell you out. I was attacked via text. 'JAMES IT'S MOM'S BIRTHDAY', 'DO YOU KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS?', 'DID YOU FORGET?' Of course I did not forget. I had barely sat down and was about to call when bzzz bzzzz phone call. Dad called me, we began to talk. We talked for a while, it was fantastic. I was further textually(if that's not a should be) attacked by my sisters. I know exactly what day today is. Mom, I apologize. It should have been the very first thing I did today, but it wasn't. It was an error on my part. I am so sorry.

September 13th, the birth date of the most remarkable woman I know. My mom is my everything. My mom has been there for me through the thick and the thin. My mom has put up with me when I'm bruised and broken. My mom kept me healthy all the times I've had pneumonia, the flu, or any other variation of sickness I've contracted. Mom, words cannot and will never be capable of telling you how grateful I am for you. Mom, you are amazing. Heavenly Father more than blessed me by allowing me to be your son. I don't deserve someone as remarkable as you. I love you Mom. I love you so much. Bendición!!!

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Five things I am thankful for:
1. Poetry
2. Poems
3. Giordini Pizza
4. Call it Captivate
5. Hairspray


With open arms I come to you.
Sprinting forward to your ever-waiting-warm-embrace.
Life has not been simple.
You have been there for me.
You have gotten me through the hard times.
You have let me feel of your love when I thought there was none.
You remind me why I’m here.
You help me through this life.
I wait for they days till I can see you again.
I wait for the days of that embrace.
Savior, I love you.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Friday, September 11, 2009

One Minute? Wow.

5 Things I'm Thankful for:

1. Those who gave their lives.
2. Fireman
3. Policeman
4. Those who went up while the others went down.
5. Those who helped on September 11.

It is September 12 2009. However, my day consisted of September 11. Throughout the entire day I had only one minute of silence and remembrance. One minute to pay respects to those that have passed on, to pay tribute to those that died. One minute out of 525,600. This is ridiculous. I disagree with this. It is not okay.

I was downtown today. There was a congregation of people saying that 9/11 was an inside job. Really? Wow. How on earth could you assume that 9/11 was an inside job? That's ridiculous. It has been proven that it was a plane. They claim that some architects say that it's not physically possible for a plane to bring down the towers. Some...not ALL. There will always be radicals. Radicals who will stick to the ideas of the few and not notice the facts that are in front of them. It has been PROVEN that it was due to a plane. It was taken apart and reconstructed. IT WAS A PLANE.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Short n simple

5 things I'm thankful for.

2. Republicans
3. Democrats
4. Liberals
5. Conservatives

Who would've ever thought it would turn out like this? Who would've thought that this 17 year old boy from Utah would be verbally attacked each and every time for this belief? Who would've thought there would be a lack of respect in this facet of life? Who would've ever thought? I know I sure didn't. I thought I would be questioned because of my standards. I thought people would mock me for the choices I make. I thought I would be given grief about my religion. I was shocked. People are SOO respectful about the choices I make, the standards I have, and most importantly they are so respectful of my faith, my religion, and my beliefs.
The second I state I'm a Republican...It's on like Donkey Kong. People choose to tear me apart cause of this. It's hard. I'm not 100 percent Republican. Do I agree with a lot they have to say? Yes. BUT I also agree with some of what the Democrats say. It just so turns out that I have seemingly more to agree with the Republican Party. Maybe I'll make a new faction. Republicrat. Yes, that will be my party. Thinking of that word, just made my day:)

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Com'n People

Things I am thankful for:

2. People back home who care about me.
3. People who pray for me.
4. People who miss me.
5. People who think about me.
(I hope that doesn't sound too narcissistic.)

Health Care Reform will hopefully be the topic of my Blog tomorrow night. Tonight it will be short sweet and to the point.

I am sick and tired of hearing people who only care about one side of politics. I am a conservative Republican and have absolutely no problem admitting that. I am not at all ashamed of that. I always try to look at both sides of the arguments. There are some issues I agree more with Democrats then Republicans and the same is true the other way around. I look at both sides so that I can have the best opinion possible. I am sick of people who stick to their side and believe that that is the one and only way without looking at any other perspective. I am sick of sitting and watching POTUS address us and afterward during the Republican Response have kids say, "oh *@#$*@%&@(#* this guy he doesn't know what the #$(@%&(@#$*@(%&(#@&% he's talking about." Honestly GROW UP. This goes for ALL people who do not view both sides and give respect where respect should be given. I don't care how "stupid" you think they are. YOU GIVE THEM THE RESPECT THEY DESERVE. We are a DEMOCRACY. This means WE THE PEOPLE elected who represents us. You have a problem with your representation? Do something about it.


I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I write my best late at night.

5 things I'm thankful for.
1. Institute
2. Church History
3. Late night papers
4. Late deadlines
5. Rides to institute.

It's a fact. I write my best under pressure of a time line and ridiculously late at night. It's always been this way. It would have been done earlier but I went to institute and I was preoccupied. I am buckling down and breaking these old habits. But some bad habits die hard. Really hard. I can do better. I will do better.

Schedule myself better so I am more efficient in all aspects of life.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Monday, September 7, 2009

quick song

Things I'm thankful for:
1. Washer
2. Dryer
3. No lines for Laundry.
4. Crunch Bars
5. Cold Nights

Here's a song in progress. FEEDBACK PLEASE!

sitting all alone tonight, the tv's in the background. I'm playing on my guitar tonight. trying to write something that you'll like. trying to play something you'll enjoy. but, but, but, no matter how hard I try, you, you, you, keep me out.

This is an ode to the girl that I admire so much, this is the ode, this is my ode to the girl who singlehandedly flipped my world upside down. Waaa ohhh ahhh ohh.

Letter after letter. Word after word. page after page. all my words are to no avail. I try to impress you with my frosty eloquence but it leaves me sounds like a babbling baby. you leave me tongue tied.

This is an ode to the girl that I admire so much, this is the ode, this is my ode to the girl who singlehandedly flipped my world upside down. Waa ohhh ahh ohh.

Short, I know. But there it is!

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Third Wheel

What I'm thankful for:
1. Jazz Music
2. Grant Park
3. The L
4. My Poncho
5. Direction Givers

Today I went to downtown. I absolutely love Chicago. It is a travel destination for everyone. There is so much to do here. There's ALWAYS something going on. I love that about it here. Anyways, I go downtown today and lo and behold there is a Jazz Festival in Grant Park. Chicago has some killer jazz. It's amazing. I went down with 3 other guys and 1 girl. I was expecting two of my friends to come down, but one thing led to another and they were unable to make it. I was not sitting with my friend and before I realized it I was left with the one girl and one of the guys. Third Wheel. Joy. I bailed. I found my way from Grant Park to State Street and got on the Redline and took off toward Loyola. Yup, I feel accomplished. I love it here. Chicago is amazing. Here are some pictures for you to see.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I'll put it in my own words. But this basically sums it up.

Lyrics to She Is... by Between the Trees

She opens up my bedroom door
she's waking me up soon
"i'm turning on the light" she warns
it's the little things that you do
she's the one that start's my day..
my dear mom... my comforter
my friend forever
when life's right or wrong
she is also my laughter
Yet my shoulder to cry on

my mom is my super hero
my mom is my world ...]

all out of gas no place to go
she knows just what I'll say
she turns and laughs and opens up
her purse
to give enough for the week
she didn't have to give but she did
it's just the kind of woman she is
Love, she is love
my dear

mom is my super hero
my mom is my world...

Love is an action that she shows me often.
even when it's not in her kisses
blessed with a mom who puts herself after her children.
it doesn't get much better than priceless...priceless

my mom is my super hero
my mom is my world... Yee-eah


Lyrics to Life of a Salesman by Yelloward

What's a dad for dad?
Tell me why I'm here dad
Whisper in my ear that I'm growing up to be a better man, dad
Everything is fine dad
Proud that you are mine dad
Cause I know I'm growing up to be a better man

Father I will always be
That same boy that stood by the sea
And watched you tower over me
Now I'm older I wanna be the same as you

What's a dad for dad?
Taught me how to stand, dad
Took me by the hand and you showed me how to be a bigger man, dad
Listen when you talk, dad
Follow where you walk, dad
And you know that I will always do the best I can
I can

Father I will always be (always be)
That same boy that stood by the sea
And watched you tower over me (over me)
Now I'm older I wanna be the same as you
The same as you

Father I will always be
That same boy that stood by the sea
And watched you tower over me
Now I'm older I wanna be the same as you

(When I am a dad, dad
I'm gonna be a good dad
Do the best you could, dad
Always understood, dad
Taught me what was right, dad
Opened up my eyes, dad
Glad to call you my, dad
Thank you for my life, dad)


I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

The Green Mile

Things I am thankful for:
1. Not being in prison
2. Prisons to keep me safe
3. The Police keeping me safe
4. Justice
5. Innocent till proven guilty

I watched The Green Mile on television today. Yes, it was the edited version of The Green Mile. It was a very interesting show. It led me to think of how many scary people are locked up and off the streets and how the police and government in most aspects have our best interests in mind. I love the feeling that brings. I love knowing that I have rights. I love knowing that there is justice(although it may be hard to find in certain walks of life or in certain places) it is a great thing.

Funny part of the day, Anna and I were watching Stomp the Yard on my laptop. I was playing with a lighter and hand-sanitizer. I get a knock on the door and a voice says, "RA, can you open your door please?" I went over and opened the door. They asked if I was burning a candle or anything, I said no, but that I was burning hand-sanitizer. They said, "can we come in?: I said, "sure." They saw that nothing was amiss and then the gentleman looked at my desk and exclaimed, "What's that?!" as he pointed at my Martinelli Bottle. I chuckled and said, "don't worry. It's just a martinelli. No alcohol." He said, "good, I was worried I'd have to write you two up! Have a good one you two." I thought it was pretty funny. Anyways. It is almost three and I am very tired. Goodnight ya'll!

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Who I Am!

Things I'm thankful for!

1. Words
2. Letters
3. Sentences
4. Pages
5. Books

Born back in Fall of 91’
I was my Momma’s first son.
My siblings knew that I’d be fun.
The lone boy from her, I was the one.

Entered the world in Californ-I-A
September 24th, yeah, that’s my day.
I wasn’t even out halfway.
Due to complications enter hospital melee.

He’s too big! C-section, hip to hip!
For my Mom it was a hardship
But it was the start of a beautiful friendship
With this we’ll be done! Snip snip.

Moving around was the name of the game
There was no shame.
California, Vegas, California, neither too tame.
When would my surroundings ever be the same?

Utah, the resting place of the family.
Would we live happily?
We realized the perfection quickly.
We knew we would live and love here soundly.

I am a zebra.
You think to yourself and say huh?
It starts with I like to eat yuca
AND I like to eat pasta.

Mi mami is de Ecuador
Donde el sol hace calor
My Pops is from the states
Where seeing the sun elates.

I am brown, I am white.
You can’t see the white, even in good light.
Crass words, fist, punch, FIGHT!
People were never polite.

Beaner, Wet-back, idiotic insults.
Following me in stores with no results.
Unfortunately it was mainly adults.
Really, were they starting racial cults?

Discrimination from an early age
It wasn’t till I was considered “teenage”
That I started to engage
It was as if I had burst out of a cage.

This segregation molded me.
It made what I am known to be.
It taught me to think less me and more we.
It taught me to say screw it when life got crappy.

With my trembling hands perspiring
My heart is powering the bleeding
The bleeding that keeps me living
I am young and aspiring.

I have the ability to create change.
Please don’t think it’s strange,
Don’t make it result in useless rage.
I have the ability to create change.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sorry Aquinas, you're wrong!

Things which I am grateful for:

1. Tio Oscar's facebook message!
2. Mom's Email
3. Dad's Reminder Texts
4. Ashely's voice-mail concerning the love of shoes.
5. Chase and banking errors.

Today was a grand day! Lots of funny things happen...I need more sleep, darn those bloodshot tired eyes! HAHA!

In my Theology class Aquinas make 5 proofs proving God's existence. While I agree with God's existence wholeheartedly I do not agree with how Aquinas gets there.

(These are the most basic explanations of the proofs.)

***********I credit this website for the proofs*******************

The main proof I have an issue with is the fourth proof which states:

4 - GREATEST BEING: Some things are greater than others. Whatever is great to any degree gets its greatness from that which is the greatest. So there is a greatest being, which is the source of all greatness. This is God.

****Now back to my own words****

According to this proof, God is the source of all greatness. God is all good. Meaning, God is perfection and the source of all good and love. God is only able to love. God has no choice but to love. I COMPLETELY DISAGREE. The fact that God can choose to not love yet he loves perfectly is what makes him God. There are many instances in the bible that shows that God has choice. So for Aquinas to say this is completely illogical and wrong. For a man that is trying to show the answer through logic he completely fails. Sorry Aquinas, you're wrong! God is God because of his choice to be perfect. That's what makes him perfect.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Just Black & White?

What I am thankful for:

1. Pens
2. Pink (Hampton) sweater
3. Back Space
4. The D chord
5. The A chord

Today was an all around good day. I woke up at around 9 and went down to breakfast at 9:15. It was rather healthy. I enjoy eating healthy food. After breakfast I ran back up to my and hurried into the shower. I had to haul to get to class and was almost made late because I saw a free gelato or gelado or however you spell it stand. I slowed down and starting walking toward it but then remember I had class. I went to my writing class it was fun. After class I went to my room and studied. After studying I had my lunch. After lunch it was off to political science. Love that class. After political science it was relaxing and studying until dinner. Dinner was good and also very healthy. I am tired and sore. Joy.

Discussion topic: Black and White racism. What about the middle? I am, by definition of skin color, neither white nor black. I am brown! This is rather frustrating. In my race and ethics book by Gallagher it seems the only thing we read about is the oppression of the blacks and the hate of the whites and things of that sort. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is okay or anything of that sort, but I'm sick and tired of this. There is segregation here. I am left out in the talk of racism. My people are indeed oppressed. Statistics show that they are more impoverished and everything. I am extremely frustrated to not hear anything of the Hispanic people, It's all just black and white, what about all the other shades? That my food for thought.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.