Friday, October 23, 2009


5 things I'm thankful for:
1. they have great deals y'all.
2. When people from colleges email me back.
3. People commenting my blog and me finding out about it later:)
4. My choice of college narrowing down to basically one!
5. Everyone decorating for the kids from Rogers Parks for Halloween.

Quote of the Day:
Think of life as a terminal illness, because, if you do, you will live it with joy and passion, as it ought to be lived.
-Anna Quindlen

it's 11:11 for me. I'ma make a wish!

Today I found out that it is illegal to trick or treat in sad is that? Simpson Hall (my resident hall) has decorated the entire building and tomorrow we having the kids from Rogers Park (the local neighborhood) coming over to trick-or-treat! Yes, it's completely epic. I know.

I've noticed something epic. College is a time to experiment, to learn, to "find yourself." I have found myself. I am learning. All is left is to experiment. While the majority of my peers choose to experiment with worldly things i.e. drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. I choose to experiment by testing my limits. Since I got to Loyola I have pushed myself more then I have ever before. I've run my fastest mile here. I've run my first 5k here and have run many since. I have been teaching myself MMA stand-up here. And today, I ran my fist 10k. I am pushing my body to extremes I have never known about before and am loving every second of it. I working out and teaching myself new things. It's enjoyable.

Oh, in other news. At the Flo Rida concert last night I dislocated my shoulder. Thanks to my new found love of working out, it's feeling pretty good. Yes it is sore. Yes it hurts, but the muscles are developing around it and is already recovering. I worked it out today and it was holding up quite well, for this I am happy:)

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.”/>

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