Saturday, August 29, 2009

R R R Remix

Today has been a beautiful day, I went to sleep at around 5:00-5:30am. I woke up at 8am to my alarm, I was planning on going to breakfast but then decided against it. I went back to sleep until 9:08am when there was a knocking on my door. I had group project meeting that I had to attend. It was fantastic. After the meeting finished I went to my room. I then showered. After showering I sat at my computer and started making remixes of songs. It’s really enjoyable. After working on my remix I went down to brunch. I ate. It was divine. After brunch I went back to my room, got some homework and went over to the lounge to start doing homework. I worked for quite sometime, the lounge then started to become quite populated. Batman was put on the screen and I just had to watch. Those good ol’ animations Batman episodes are just bomb. After that I went to my room and changed and went to work out. I LOVE IT. After working out I went and showered then I went to dinner. Yummy again. I got back from dinner and decided it was time for my homework and now the good stuff starts. . .
I am sitting in the IC. Yes, it is indeed a Saturday night and I am trying to study rather then going out into the world and doing something epic. I realize the value of my education. I realize that this is the beginning of my future. I want to learn so much. I want to be able to take all the knowledge I gain and start applying it immediately. For the first time in my life I can honestly say that I have an incredible passion for learning. I absolutely love it. I am finally being challenged. I am finally realizing how much I need to sacrifice in order to succeed. Sacrifice is vital to success. An amazing man, W. W. Phelps wrote, “Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of promise.” What a simple yet powerful statement. I know I need to sacrifice. I know I need to do my part. I know that I can achieve whatever I set my mind to. I know I can accomplish each and every single thing I plan on accomplishing. I don’t aim high, I aim for the top. I know every single righteous desire of mine can and will be fulfilled through doing my part. I know that through trust and faith in the Lord I can achieve many great and marvelous things. I am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who loves and cares about my personally. I love knowing that he will love no matter what I do. I love that he wants me to get back to him. I love my family. I love my friends. I love college!
I love the Declaration of Independence. Speaking of sacrifice, WOW! These men were willing to sacrifice their lives. As they signed, they were in essence signing away their life, signing against their Government. Signing proof of treason. Signing their extermination order. I love Democracy. I love that I have a voice. I love that I can bring about change. As always though as Gandhi put it(yes, I know I use this quote a lot….but it really is that good), “you must become the change you want to see in the world.” Now I’m not talking change as in “CHANGE, YES WE CAN!” I’m talking real change. Not superficial give-the-people-what-they-wanna-hear-change. I am talking REAL change. I am talking, better schools, better educational opportunities for all. I am talking, getting rid of racism and segregation and sexism in the work place. I am talking not fighting for peace because that’s the most idiotic statement ever. In order to achieve peace you have two options. 1. (this way is preferable to the other way.) Use diplomacy to better the world. Work towards peace in an efficient DIPLOMATIC way. 2. If you do result to war, you must achieve zero hour and while there exert power and correct what needs to be corrected. Now of course, you are probably saying to yourself, “those are decent ideas sir, but how will you ever achieve that? What is your plan of action? Sorry folks, have not yet gotten that far. However, I am beginning to try and learn and realize ways that we can achieve this. Like I said before, option one is by far the best option and should be used at all costs.
As I was speaking early of homework, this is not my homework, this is my keeping you all up to date in the life of James so with my deepest apologies I must say I need to go back to my homework.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

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