Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The "Liberal" Republican

Living in Utah I was always seen as somewhat of a "liberal" Republican. I was rather open compared to my teachers and fellow classmates(speaking of course of those who were informed when it comes to speaking of politics or the likes of it)and thoroughly enjoyed playing the devil's advocate in debates and class discussions. I was seen as the one with the differing opinion and was therefore seen as a "stupid liberal." Yes, my Utah friends were very articulate and could create oh-so-painful repartee's such as "you stupid liberal." Oh, yes, I know. It cuts like a knife. It cut like a hot, sharp, serrated knife through a stick of butter. It tore my bleeding liberal apart. ;)
I live in Chicago. Chicago is extremely diverse in every sense of the word. Where I was once a liberal republican I am now seen as an extremely conservative republican.
I am seen as having differing views. I am now up against a new beast, highly informed blue bleeding "true" liberal Democrats. I am, no lie, extremely excited!
Chicago has, is, and will be giving me so many lovely opportunities. I am trying to make the best of them and hope that I can represent who and what I am and what I stand for properly and sufficiently.

Sorry so short.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

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