Monday, August 17, 2009

The Candle Burns At Both Ends...

The candle is a burning at both ends. Like a car crash my emotions collide. Smacking against one another. Exploding like a firework. Am I unstable? No. Am I lost? Am I confused? Maybe a little bit. But life is life and we must learn to deal. We must "roll with the punches." It is innate human nature to feel as I do. I am neither the first nor will I be the last. We are not alone. You are not alone. I am not alone. We feel the pain of the world. We feel the weight pressing down. The burden is heavy but there is relief. There is comfort. There is peace. All is possible through God. When we subject ourselves to the Lord, he will mold us and shape us into so much more than we can do or be by ourselves. It would be a blatant lie to say that it would be an easy road, that life would be an easy pass. That's simply not true. But from our trials we can grow. We can--as a singular being--become a better person, it all depends on our attitude(s). If whenever something comes along we are negative and don't turn towards God, we will deal with the seemingly unbearable seemingly alone. If--on the other hand--when trials present themselves, we try to see how we can grow from it and rely on God, we WILL grow. I have learned this from personal experience. It's cowardly and easy to ask, why me? What did I do to deserve this? Take the high road, we reap what you deserve when we do this. It really is truly incredible. It will no doubt blow you away as you see how invigorated you will feel. God works in mysterious ways, you won't realize it, but once you put your trust in him(not only in your times of need)your life will be blessed beyond your deepest imaginations.

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