Sunday, August 23, 2009

An Hour in the Future

I had a conversation with a friend yesterday. She said, what time is it out there? To which I replied, "An hour in the Future." I know, I know, sometimes I am so witty!

Today I slept in all day, that was very good. It's exactly the recovery my body needed. Exercise. We have such a love hate relationship. A day of rest was perfect. After waking up I showered. After showering I went to lunch with the friendlies. After lunch we began to look over school work and do all of that and then we started to do our resumes and references(thanks dad, mine looks quite elegant and professional)which seemed to take forever. While finishing up, we found out that the dining hall was closed. We scrambled over to go to the picnic and we got there as they were wrapping up. It was a mad dash to be able to get dinner, we succeeded. After diner, I went up to my room and spent some time studying my scriptures and such. After doing that I went to be with the friendlies. I am in the lounge on the couch, they're currently playing poker on the table. I decided now would be a perfect time to blog instead of later tonight. I am finally going to sleep early. WOOT WOOT!

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
-Thomas Jefferson

I have the firm belief that attitude is everything. Attitude is where it all starts. Motivation comes from attitude. If you have a good attitude towards what life is throwing at you, you are seemingly invincible. This does not mean, in any way shape of form, that you will not have your fair share of diversity, your fair share of trails or your fair share of anything. Because you will, no matter what. That's how life is. When you have the right attitude and the right mind set, you can achieve anything. What if when Thomas Edison failed... he quit? When he faced adversary he just called it quits? Let the Thomas Edison in you shine.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

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