Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Jog to the Pier

Today was my first day that I was scheduled out the entire day. Welcome Week has officially commenced. This morning I woke up at around eleven o'clock. It was quite glorious being able to sleep in and not have to worry about being anywhere super early. I'll take advantage of these days seeing as before I know it they'll be gone. I woke up and went down to lunch with my roommate Langston. The lunch here isn't all that bad--(pardon the two hyphens, it doesn't automatically put in the dash I am accustomed to) we'll see how long my stance on the food stands. While I was at breakfast I received a text message from my new friend Ali. I waited in the cafeteria for her. After we finished eating we went up my room for me to grab my longboard. We then went to the mail room and walked slash longboarded around campus. We went to the beach and walked out on one of the piers. We sat and talked for quite a while. It was really fun! We got thirsty so we went back to our dorms and I took a nap. After napping I decided to work out, I walked over to the Halas Sports Center and much to my dismay they closed early so that they set up for Loyola-opoly. I decided to go on a run around campus. I started jogging and then after a while started jogging on the beach. I saw a pier in the distance that looked pretty cool, I jogged over and then down the pier. Once I got there, I turned and looked back towards the center of Campus. My words will not suffice. Rather then letting my words paint a picture in your head, I'll just show you the picture I took!

Looking at these pictures still just doesn't cut it. The view was spectacular.

hung out with the girls. joy.
It's Ali's birthday! We got her some brownies! Double Joy. She is 19 years old today. Doubleplusgood! I am so young. It's ever so epic. Yup, James is bustin' out with third person and doublespeak all in one. Look what a high school education did for me!

The beauty around the world never ceases to amaze me. There is beauty everywhere. There is beauty in everything. Everyone has beauty in them to start off with. I think we are all born with the duty to bring out the beauty in others. (If that makes any sense.) With a little love, miracles happen. I'm reminded of the story of the young man in high school who was carrying all the contents from his locker him and dropped something, a boy walked up, picked up some of the stuff and they walked home together. The second boy later found out that because of that small act of kindness a life was saved. The young man that was walking with all the locker contents was planning on committing suicide that day. The small act of kindness made all the difference. That little act of love, that little display of love made all the difference. Let's all spread the love. Show that we care. Show the kindness. Love is in the air. Make it happen.

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