Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dance Party!

Today I woke up around 6:45 and hopped into the shower. I went down to breakfast around 7:30 and had a quick bite. I had to be down at the "bubble" (which is a horrible nickname for the bottom floor of Simpson Hall) for a boat tour. We took the L into the city and walked for a little bit and got on a boat. I went was on the river and we looked at all the history in Chicago. It was kinda boring to be completely honest, I would've preferred being on the street and just looking at the stuff from there...But you can't get everything you want...;)I saw Sears tower, they have a really cool new addition, they have these glass enclosures that jut out the side of the building. You look down and beneath you all you see is the street. I REALLY want to go there. That would honestly be beyond epic beyond belief. After the boat tour we went to a little hole in the wall Thai place. It was quite delightful. I'd say what I had, but I honestly don't know the name of it. After dinner I went to some diversity stuff. Pretty cool.

Today it rained again. Three of the four days that I have been here have been tainted by rain. I say tainted only because I have been craving a crazy day to go skate or something of that sort.

Tonight there was a music part/dance party. It was enjoyable. There were 2 dances floors and a couple of live bands.

I unfortunately did not have any deep thoughts or anything of that sort today that I remember. So, since I want to write on something I've looked up some quotes and plan on writing on how I feel after reading them.

Michel Legrand said, "The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know."

This is so true. The more knowledge you gain the more you realize the how little you actually know. The way I think of it, when you're in kindergarten your world is really small. It consists of home and school. As you grow and develop and expand your knowledge you realize that the world consists of much more than the little home environment which you grew up believe to be the world. As you further grow and such, you begin to ponder on how there is much more than just our world. You realize that space in indeed endless and realize how small you are in the overall scheme of things.
In a sense were small but in another sense we're not small at all. One person can make all the difference. But at the same time. One person vs the vastness of the University seems somewhat small.
Tangent time. I love eyes. I love the eyes that give you the feeling that the person is looking into the deepest abyss of your soul. The can read you like a book. They can go from page to page and learn and understand you. The eyes that, even though they can read you and seemingly understand and know everything about you and delve into your secretest of thoughts and your emotions, don't judge you. The caring eyes. The eyes that are full of love. I love those eyes.
Untangent time. I love the fact that life is confusing. The more I know let's me realize the less I know.

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