Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I wrote a paper today... I really like the Kanye theme...haha

5 things I'm thankful for:
1. Kanye being funny to Taylor at the VMA's
2. Making fun of Kanye because of what he did to Taylor.
3. Remakes of Taylor Swift songs.
4. Using Kanye's remarks as my paper titles.
5. Having my teacher be proud of me for bringing up the 14th amendment to defeat arguments in class.

Quote of the Day:
It is better for civilization to be going down the drain than to be coming up it.
Henry Allen

I wrote a paper today, I'm tired and don't have the capacity to write much. I hope you enjoy it.

Yo’ Oppressors, I’m Really Happy For You and All [NOT] and I’mma Let You Finish…But Other People Have Rights Too!

The foremost goal that came from the struggles of blacks and women for equal rights was an overall transformation of the American societal structure; it was not equal participation within the existing society. Both the blacks and the women wanted transformation. The transformation, that the two communities wanted, consisted of changing the societal structure whereas as equal participation did not consist of changing the societal structure but rather just a differentiating of the roles played by the blacks and women during the civil rights era. The black panthers—defenders of the black community—wanted nationalism that came from revolution. The black community wanted reparations in the form of land from the white community and for the white community to take responsibility for years of segregation and degradation. Women wanted transformation so that women could be more individualistic and ultimately attain self-fulfillment.
The black community wanted a revolution. The ideology of the black panthers was that revolution went hand in hand with the ideology of nationalism. We see this belief in Malcolm X’s speech when he states, “If you love revolution, you love black nationalism.” Part of the platform for the black panthers states that, “we want the power to determine the destiny of our Black Community.” The black panthers no longer were looking for equal representation or equality of jobs and things of that sort but rather the black panthers wanted complete power over the black community; they were looking for self-sufficiency and self-government. They wanted the protection of the United States Constitution but wanted trials and things of that sort done by a jury of their peer group or members of their black community (Document 6).
The black community had the ideology—that came and grew from the black panthers—that they deserved reparations in the form of land, and also what needed to happen was that the oppressors—the white community—must to take responsibility for what they had done. President Johnson said it best when he said, “White America must accept responsibility.” This was a view not seen prior to the civil rights movement and prior to the black panthers. Malcolm X said, “Revolution is based on land. Land is the basis for all independence. Land is the basis of for freedom, justice, and equality.” For the black community to demand land is to demand power. Land is power. Giving the Negroes the land—that they deserved— was promoting a transformation rather than just equality.
Women craved transformation. The Redstockings Manifesto stated the beliefs of the women at the time of the feminist movement, “Women are an oppressed class. Our oppression is total, affecting every facet of our lives…Our humanity is denied” The women of the civil rights era wanted mans reign of oppression to come to an end. They fought oppression valiantly on many fronts. The main front was the attack on the cornerstone of the Amerikkan society. They wanted to break apart the family. The feminist movement of the civil rights era wanted to pursue individualism and believed that self-fulfillment was possible through individuality (Mashner). Women were no longer looking for equality, they were now concerned with looking for a complete transformation that idolized individualism not family ties.
The primary goal that came from the troubles of blacks and women for equal rights was the transformation of the American societal structure not equal participation within the existing structure. This goal—in the case of the blacks—came from: the black panthers ideology that revolution led to nationalism and also the belief that reparations in the form of land, a.k.a. power, were due and that the white community needed to take responsibility. The goal—in the case of women—came from the belief that their humanity was denied (Mashner).

Sorry, but I'm not looking for opinions on this paper. I was given a paper with choices on what to write about this is what i picked. love it. hate it. don't care.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.”/>

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