Monday, August 24, 2009

View From Heaven

Today was my first legitimate day of College. Whoop Whoop. I feel 40k smarter already. I couldn't help but have the biggest, cheesiest, happiest smile on my face today! I'm living my dream!! I've reached a monumental goal in my life! Today was a great day!
I woke up at 6:25 and was excited, I had set my alarm for 6:52. I went back to sleep. I woke up at 7:45. I had set my alarm for 6:52...PM! haha. But no worries, I jumped out of bed and got into the shower. After showering I went down to breakfast. After breakfast I went my first college class every. Theology. I felt like Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter books. I was bustin' out with answers left and right. After theology class I went back to my dorm and hopped on the longboard and cruised over to Beck's Bookstore in order to return a book and purchase a new one. They did not have the book I needed to purchase so I cruised back to my room. I then went to my second college class every. WHOOP WHOOP! Sociology, oh my goodness. I am so stoked for this class. It will be amazing. Reading intensive? Yes. Amazing. Double yes. After that I went back to the room and had lunch with the crew. Yes, I said crew. After lunch I went to my third and final class of the day. History, it was pretty good. I love history so I should enjoy the class. After history I went to the dorm. I changed clothes and hit up the punching bag. My thumb went raw and started bleeding profusely so I threw a band-aid on it and went back to show that punching/kneeing/kicking/elbowing bag who's boss. It won;) I then went back and showered. Mmm, I love showering. I then hit up Anna to see if she wanted to go to dinner. She then asked me if I wanted to go study with her in the library. I did. She's a great friend! After studying we met up with the rest of everyone for dinner. Dinner was good. After dinner I went to my room. I then asked Ali if she wanted to study together, she said yes! We studied. I had a literal study hall. We studied in the hall. Our club of two grew into about 8. Joy. In the famous words of Bill and Ted, "Party on Dudes!"

Today I was sitting in the information commons with Anna. We were studying and doing homework. Yes, homework. I am also in shock that I was doing it. Anyways, I has a spectacular view from where I was sitting. It was superb. It reminded me of a song by Yellowcard. The song is called View From Heaven.

View From Heaven lyrics

i'm just so tired
wont you sing me to sleep
and fly through my dreams
so i can hitch a ride with you tonight
and get away from this place
have a new name and face
i just aint the same without you in my life
late night drives, all alone in my car
i can't help but start
singing lines from all our favorite songs
and melodies in the air
singin life just aint fair
sometimes i still just can't believe you're gone
and im sure the view from heaven
beats the h*ll out of mine here
and if we all believe in heaven,
maybe we'll make it through one more year
down here

feel your fire,
when its cold in my heart
and things sorta start
remindin' me of my last night with you
i only need one more day
just one more chance to say
i wish that i had gone up with you too
and i'm sure the view from heaven
beats the h*ll out of mine here
and if we all believe in heaven
maybe we'll make it through one more year
down here

you wont be comin' back
and i didn't get to say goodbye (goodbye)
i really wish i got to say goodbye
and im sure the view from heaven
beats the h*ll out of mine here
and if we all believe in heaven
maybe we'll make it through one more year
i hope that all is well in heaven
cause it's all shot to h*ll down here
i hope that i find you in heaven
cause i'm so...
lost without you down here
you wont be coming back
and i didn't get to say goodbye (goodbye)
i really wish i got to say gooooodbye

First, I love my view. I am so privileged. I sit in a cozy library and look out over the vast lake. It's beautiful.
Second, this made me start thinking of that song which in turn made me think of heaven and which in turn made me think of lost loved ones. Live everyday as if it's your last. Make every inhale and exhale of breath be worth it. You don't know when the end is going to come. You don't know when you will die. You don't know when your friends will die. You don't know when the person you've always wanted to say sorry to and never will get the chance to will die. Make life worth it. If there are wrongs in your life. Correct them. Not just you, but also me. I need to live life to the fullest. I need to make life as beautiful as possible.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

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