Friday, August 21, 2009

The Lummox


Today I woke up around 12:20 and called the parental unit. After speaking with the parental unit I threw on my gym clothing and went to the gym. I began working out and it was quite epic. I found me a punching bag today and began to beat the crap out of it. It was quite enjoyable. I then realized that I had a meeting at 1:30 which I was late for. I took a quick shower and went to the meeting. It was boring.
After that I had freshman convocation. That was pretty epic... I then went to try and purchase my books. Failure, it was closed. We then ate dinner. Delicious. I think got the brilliant idea of throwing a party for Ali. Anna and I went to CVS and got the required stuff for the party. We blew up balloons and threw a party. It was quite epic. It is now 3:52, Anna (this be Anna and James with his customary "I look like living death face")

and I have been talking since a little past 10:00. I love college. I love the discussions that come out. I love the opportunities. I love the late night calls to Mom and Dad to ask about that one religious meeting a long time ago with all the catholic people...Yup it was the meeting of Constantinople.
Today, I decided I've found my first lummox on Loyola Campus. The first person that I don't see myself getting along with. I do not think we'll be friends. I would like to be eventually upon getting to know said person further...but as of right now, I cannot stand them. There have been people who have been over-the-top and such, but nobody has made me as ornery as this person. I can't explain it, maybe it's the "natural man" in me making itself prominent. It doesn't feel regular I just honestly don't feel like we will ever become friends. Unfortunately, at times, I am one to judge quickly. There are many flaws with this. First and foremost, I judge. Judging is not for me to do. It is not my place. I should not do it, but however sad I am about it, I do it nonetheless. Another flaw: not only do I judge, I judge quite quickly. I don't give people the chance before I judge. I have feelings on people and tend to stick with them. If I don't like someone on my first impression, or I judge them on my first impression, it is really rare for that opinion to change. There have been a few exceptions when I have changed that opinion, although, those are extremely rare. The Lummox is me. Not the person I met today. I am the Lummox because of my fault in error. Because of my quick judgment I am the Lummox.

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