Sunday, August 30, 2009

Egalitarian Pluralism

***Starting Something New***
What is life if we don't show gratitude? I need to be more thankful for everything. From now on I will start by saying 5 random things I am grateful for.

1. Hawaii and their relaxed people.
2. The ability to Blog.
3. Kings of Leon
4. The clef symbol in music.
5. My bracelet from Tia Alba.

First Day of Church In Chicago!
This has been the highlight of my week. I cannot wait to go back to church. I love the feeling that I get while I am there. I am so happy when I go to church. I love being around people with my similar beliefs. I love being around a good environment. An environment where everything you hear does not consist of sex and drugs and getting wasted. It is a sage haven from the world. It is where I find my solace and my comfort.

Today I was reading my Sociology homework and it had to do with miscegenation which is interracial marriage. This is particularly important to me. Of this was not allowed, I would have never come to be. My fantastic Father is Caucasian. My magnificent Mother is Ecuadorian. They are different. Miscegenation allows me to be. Unfortunately the world miscegenation is still frowned upon. This makes me really, really sad. This is why I am grateful for the Hawaiian people. According to my book, they are the most open to miscegenation. They respect it. They treat all the people the same. They believe and EGALITARIAN PLURALISM!!! Hopefully this comes over to the mainlanders. Us haoles need to shape up and learn the way of the islanders.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios. (correct me?)
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

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