Sunday, October 11, 2009

Old Habits....

Five Things I'm Thankful For:
1. Learning how to better schedule myself.
2. Response essays in my history class.
3. Free wifi at places other then Loyola.
4. My phone that frustrates me to no end yet allows me to talk to Mom:)
5. Eye candy of the reading type.

Quote of the Day:
"Old habits die hard."
-English proverb. or. Unknown.

I find my quote of the day to be extremely apropos. Tomorrow marks the beginning of my new scheduling. I have consistently being getting better and better at scheduling myself and getting up at a decent time. I realize now that it goes both ways. I need to get to sleep earlier. I have yet to make the perfect schedule. I will be going to sleep at the close of this Blog and will then be waking up at around 7:15 to head over to the Halas Sports Center for my morning cardiovascular work out. I am trying to exercise as much as possible and I know that the morning--before you eat or anything of that sort--is the best time to work out. It is the best time because throughout the day you eat. When you eat you add fat to your body. Therefore when you work out for at least the first 20 minutes of your workout you are burning off the fat you have consumed throughout the day rather the working off the fat on your body. When you sleep your body burns fat from your last meal seeing as it has a handful of hours to do so. When you work out immediately upon rising from bed you are attacking the fat plaguing your body rather then the fat just recently consumed. I can not wait to go work out. I am trying to do better with my Cardio. On Friday I ran 3.2 miles. Saturday I cycled 8.7 Miles and ran 1 mile. I am excited to get back in the gym after tomorrow and work my body. It feels quite good.

As I was saying, I plan on getting to sleep earlier. It is now 11:00 pm. I need to read my Scriptures and some Preach My Gospel.

Scheduling. Gotta love it. Darn you phone, I wish you would sync with my computer to help me stay sharp! Oh well.

I love you all, goodbye.
Mi amor a todos, adios.
אני אוהב אותך כל, סלאמאת.

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